Website will be opened for Registration from 10:00am onwards till the first 30 registrations is complete.
As on 01/04/2025 Should be Between 4 to 5 Years (i.e. 31st March 2020 to 31st March 2021)
I understand that Registration does not guarantee admission and the details furnished above are true to the best of my Knowledge.
PLEASE NOTE: The school reserves the right to reject incomplete/incorrect form. After you have successfully registered online, an automatically generated CHALLAN will be displayed on the screen which will also be sent to you as an email through the email id which you mentioned in this Registration Form. Kindly print the CHALLAN. The School office will get in touch with you and give you the date and time of appointment to verify the document/s uploaded on the website. You are requested to bring the original documents along with the CHALLAN for verification.